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The Science of Breathing

The Science of Breathing


Led by Oxygen Advantage certified breath coach Elsa Unenge, this course introduces you to the fundamentals of breathwork as they relate to your physical and mental health. After watching this course, you should understand the theory and science behind breathwork, and have a handful of techniques and practical tools to help you breathe better, think better, and feel better.

Elsa explains the theory and science behind a fundamental aspect of breathwork, and defines how it can affect your physical and mental health.


The content available in this course provides general information pertaining to breathing exercises and how they may be used to manage stress. This content is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a licensed medical care professional familiar with your medical history and current mental and physical health. Please consult with your medical care provider if you are experiencing severe anxiety or emotional stress, having thoughts of self-harm, or struggling with substance abuse. Please seek the advice of a physician or your regular doctor with any questions about your general health, a medical condition, or related treatment, and consult your doctor before engaging in this course to ensure you are medically cleared for breathwork exercises.

Please do not practice breathwork while driving, in water, or while pregnant.

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The Science of Breathing


80% of us suffer from dysfunctional breathing

Most of us are breathing incorrectly. If you’re able to tackle your to-do list while breathing incorrectly, imagine what you could accomplish if you knew how to breathe correctly.

Just because we can breathe automatically doesn’t mean we’re doing it right.

Because we breathe automatically, we don’t understand when we might be doing it wrong and what harm it’s causing.

With breathwork, we can become more efficient with our breathing and improve blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and increase oxygenation. All of this leads to:

  • Improved Sleep
  • Increased Energy
  • Reduce Stress
  • Better Cognitive Functions

What’s in this course?

Each unit is made of two video courses. In the first, Elsa explains the theory and science behind a fundamental aspect of breathwork, and defines how it can affect your physical and mental health. In the second video, she demonstrates how to perform a technique relevant to the theory and goal.

The Science of Breathing

Missing pillar of health

The Science of Breathing

Benefits of nose breathing

The Science of Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing

The Science of Breathing

Increase oxygen to brain & body

The Science of Breathing

Control your heart & nervous system

The Science of Breathing

Meditation with your Shift

Start Your Breath Journey

Most of us breathe incorrectly without even knowing it.

And since we average about 23,000 breaths per day, improper breathing can be outright harmful to both our mental and physical health.

Meet Elsa

Oxygen advantage certified breath coach Elsa teaches us about our body’s built-in toolbox that helps us tackle different situations in the best possible way, breathwork. It can be both interventional and preventative, and it always makes us feel better.

The only problem is that most people don’t know about it. It’s time we rediscovered how to breathe to live a longer healthier life.


Who is this course for?

This is a course for the breath curious person out there. You’ve heard of breathwork, you are curious about how it can improve your life and help you feel better, but you aren’t sure how to get started. Elsa can help. After this course, you will be off and running, implementing these basic, foundational breathwork techniques into your day to help you feel better, think better, and breathe better.

What ages is this course for?

The widest range is probably late teens and above. However, as parents ourselves, we’ve used these techniques and the underlying theories to help our kids in anxious or stressful moments. We like to say the family that breathes together stays calm together. And we try to live this mantra every day.

How long will I have access to this course?

FOR-EV-ER. Really, you can access and watch this course as long as you like.

Do I need a Shift to do this course?

No you do not need a Shift to participate in any of these lessons. The Shift takes the guesswork out of breathwork, but you can follow along without one. One of the more important aspects of the Shift is that it serves as a reminder. Because you wear it, because it’s always with you, it serves as an anchor to your calm space, and a reminder to breathe through stress.

Is it just one course? Or a bunch of courses?

This is one comprehensive course with 5 units, and two videos per unit. You will learn the theory behind fundamental principles of breathwork, learn how to practically implement the benefits of each particular theory into your everyday routine.

How long does it take to complete this course?

You could binge the series and watch all of these courses in a day. However, we recommend you take your time with these lessons at first because the practice is what helps. When you can implement these techniques into your routine, and make a habit of breathing better, you will make a habit of feeling better too. They are simple to understand and implement, but taking your time with them will certainly help. Read more about Elsa here

Do you offer any discounts?

Make sure to be an insider by signing up to our emails 😉

What if this course doesn’t help me?

We offer a money-back guarantee because we truly believe in the power and effectiveness of this course. Once you start, we’re confident you will feel better and begin to understand the power offered by breathing better